Thursday, October 04, 2007

Hello Little Blog...

I know you've been neglected....

I could go on and on about how busy I've been, but truthfully, in this age of Instant Everything, we are all busy.

I could say that I've been too tired to blog, but again, we are all tired because we are all busy.

I could regale you with tales from my workplace, but since my work revolves around 3, 4, and 5 year olds, it's not pretty. And sometimes it smells.

Just know that I'm writing blog posts in my head and I'm practicing saying "no" to all the extra things in my life that I haven't had to say "no" to for the past 3 years or so (once C was past his first year of life, the year we refer to now as "The Year of Not Sleeping") because I had the luxury of being a stay-at-home mom. And eventually, I'll carve out the time to put them here where they belong.

Or else I'll forget them entirely. And then I'll write something else. Eventually


Anonymous said...

You certainly aren't alone in feeling like that . . . life just seems to get busier and busier doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

OMG how quickly the weeks fly by! Your post is so true!

Patter Cross said...

Oh goodness, I can so relate. My triplets also have ongoing medical issues and one is even out of school for a while. So, goodness, that makes the busy mom stuff more difficult too. Hang in there. We all have the busy stuff but it is such a blessing to be raising these precious children. {{hugs}} to all you busy moms!